The Piccolino business (www.mypiccolino.gr). receives the personal data if you have agreed to provide it, by registering as a user or by placing an order as a guest or by providing your e-mail.

By registering and providing your personal data to www.mypiccolino.gr, you consent to the use of this data in accordance with this "Declaration". Your personal data is not used for other purposes, except if we obtain the permission of the visitor/user or as required and permitted by law. When you register on the www.mypiccolino.gr website and provide information about your preferences, this information is used to personalize the user experience we provide you.

If you are logged in and place an order/purchase without registering (guest), then your email address as well as the personal information you have provided will only be used to process the order. For their further use you must have accepted the "Declaration" & "Terms", at the end of your order.



www.mypiccolino.gr strictly collects only personal data that is necessary in order to satisfy your requests. Where additional, optional information is sought, you will be informed at the time the data is collected.

European and Greek legislation allows us to process personal data, as long as we have the reason and the legal basis to do so. We are also required to notify you of the reason and legal basis of processing. As a result, when we process your personal data, we rely on one of the following cases of lawful processing:

Performance of a contract: This is where the processing of your personal data is necessary to fulfill our obligations arising from a contract.

Legal obligation: This happens when we are required to process your personal data to comply with a legal obligation, such as keeping records for tax purposes or providing information to a public body or law enforcement authority.

Legitimate interest: we may process data about you when we have a legitimate interest in the performance of a legitimate activity, so as to ensure the continuity of that activity, to the extent that our legitimate interest does not outweigh and conflict with your interests.

Your consent: We may occasionally ask for your express consent to process some of your personal data, and your personal data will only be processed in this way if you agree to it. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting [email protected]

mypiccolino.gr does not collect "sensitive" personal data from any visitor/user. "Sensitive" personal data is defined as that which concerns a person's race, nationality, political beliefs, physical or mental health, sex life or criminal record.



mypiccolino.gr in some cases and if cookies are used, some categories of data are automatically collected when visiting the website. This collection enables us to personalize your online experience in our online store, to improve the performance of the website, to evaluate our usability and effectiveness and to evaluate the effectiveness of all the company's promotional activities.



An IP address is a number assigned to your computer every time you access the internet. It allows computers and network service computers (servers) to identify and communicate with each other. The IP addresses from which visitors appear to originate may be recorded for information technology security and systems diagnostics purposes. This data may also be used in an aggregated form in order to perform an analysis of website trends and performance.



Every time you visit and use this website, cookies may be placed on the device that has internet access. This allows the site to remember your device.

As soon as you are transferred to this website www.mypiccolino.gr a warning box will appear which will require your consent to the collection of cookies (ACCEPT OR NOT ACCEPT). If you do not provide consent, your internet-enabled device will not be tracked for activities related to the promotion of services. A secondary type of cookies, referred to as “user-input” cookies, may be required in order to ensure the necessary functionality. These cookies will not be blocked by using this warning box. Your selection will be stored in a cookie and will be valid for a period specified by the website. If you wish to revoke your choice, you can do so by deleting your browser's cookies.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, you can choose whether or not to accept cookies through your browser settings (an option often found in your browser's Tools or Preferences menu). You can also delete cookies from your device at any time. However, you should be aware that if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to fully experience some of the features of our website.

Additional information regarding the management of cookies can be found in the "Help" folder of your browser.

Categories of cookies that the website www.mypiccolino.gr may use or may use:

  • Necessary cookies:
    They are responsible for implementing basic functions of the website. Functions such as adding to the cart, wishlist, electronic payment, etc. Without these cookies, the smooth operation of the online store and the user experience for the public are directly affected.
  • Functionality of cookies:
    They are responsible for remembering the preferences of the visitor/user while browsing the website. This is done so that we can recommend and direct you to products and services, depending on your needs. Our purpose by using the above cookies is to find what you are looking for.
  • Static cookies:
    Statistical cookies or analytics cookies are a subset of functionality cookies and enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of various functions of our website in order to continuously improve the experience we offer you.
  • Promotional cookies:
    They are responsible for displaying advertising material relevant to your interests. They are used to send personalized advertisements, to limit bulk and unsolicited advertising messages.

Self-initiated cookies do not tell us your e-mail address or any other identifying information. In the reports we will receive identifying information such as the IP address, in order to correctly determine the number of unique visitors to the site, the geographical origin and not the individual personalization of the visitors.

If a visitor registers on our online store to access an area for registered users only, you accept the site's placement of cookies on your internet-connected device.



Web beacon is a small image file of a website that is used to collect some data from your device, such as IP, the time you stay and view the content of our online store, the type of browser and the existence of cookies previously placed by the same network service device. if mypiccolino.gr uses web beacons, it will be in accordance with the applicable legislative provision.

mypiccolino.gr may use web beacons in order to identify the effectiveness of the website for advertising services, in order to collect visitor/user statistics and to manage cookies.

If there are web beacons, you are given the option to disable and reject the related cookies. Finally, web beacons have the ability to record a visit from an anonymous IP and information from cookies is not recorded.



www.mypiccolino.gr uses the Google Analytics tool. To learn more you can visit the following page:



At mypiccolino.gr we fully understand the importance of protecting the personal data of minors, especially on the internet. Our Website is not designed for, nor directed at, minors. We prohibited the use of the website by minors, as stated in the terms. By extension, we do not collect data that comes to our knowledge from minors.



mypiccolino.gr does not share personal data with third parties who do not cooperate with us, unless required for our legitimate professional and business needs in order to respond to your requests and/or as required or permitted by law or professional standards.

Law Enforcement/Regulatory Authorities:

mypiccolino.gr may disclose personal data in order to respond to requests from courts, judicial authorities, governmental or law enforcement authorities or where it is necessary or prudent to comply with applicable law, court orders or rules/orders of courts or judicial authorities .

Control matters: May report and send personal data when a request is made for some control related to the protection of personal data and security. This is done by filing a complaint or suspected security threat.

Finally, mypiccolino.gr will not share and forward your personal data to any third party, for its own promotional and similar form of use.



In general, there is no requirement to submit personal data to www.mypiccolino.gr, but we are able to ask you to provide us with certain personal data in order to receive additional information about our services. mypiccolino.gr may also request your consent for certain uses of your personal data, and you may either consent to or decline these uses. If you accept the "Statement" of consent for certain services or communications, such as an electronic newsletter, you will be able to unsubscribe from the relevant list of recipients at any time by following the instructions contained in each communication.

If you decide to unsubscribe from any service or communication, we will delete your data in accordance with the law, although we may need a certain amount of time and/or information before we can comply with your request by notifying you in advance.



If you have declared your personal data on www.mypiccolino.gr, your rights are as follows:

Update/Access/Correction/Delete: Every user has the right to access the relevant data. This is in some cases referred to as a "Subject Access Request". If we agree that we are obliged to provide you with personal data, we will provide it to you free of charge. Before we proceed to provide personal data, we may ask you for proof of your identity and information about your transactions with us, from which we can trace your personal data. If your data is inaccurate, you have the right to ask us to correct it, but also to delete it as long as the deletion does not violate any legal obligation of ours.

Objection/Restriction of processing: You have the right to object to the processing and analysis of your personal data by us if we no longer have the right to use it. You can request to be deleted from our database if they are in it for a long time. But also the restriction of processing in some cases where this can be done.

You can submit requests and exercise your legal right by contacting mypiccolino.gr customer service. By phone at 2810341033 and at [email protected]. We will do our best to comply with your request as long as it is consistent with applicable fairness and professional standards.



mypiccolino.gr has activated every possible mechanism regarding the protection of personal data and information from unauthorized loss, alteration or destruction of data or misuse. mypiccolino.gr makes every effort, but cannot guarantee complete security against every threat. In the event of a breach or loss of personal data or information, there is a support mechanism for dealing with these situations, so that we can proceed with immediate restoration and limit any possible consequences and comply with all our legal obligations.

mypiccolino.gr keeps your personal data that it has collected from you only for the period of time that we need the data for the purpose for which you have provided it. They are stored for the shortest possible time or until deletion is requested by you. Finally, if there is a violation or loss of your personal data based on law, we are obliged to inform you immediately within 72 hours of the registration of the offense.



www.mypiccolino.gr, beyond going to a secure environment for completing transactions, does not contain any other links to other websites. The secure trading environment is governed by other Data Protection Policies, the content of which may differ from the Data Protection Policy of this website.

As long as you remain logged in, you agree to the use of your personal data, according to the "Declaration" of the website www.mypiccolino.gr



mypiccolino.gr may periodically modify this "Declaration", so that

it should be adapted to developments/changes in Personal Protection

Data. When we make various types of changes to this Statement, we will update the date at the bottom of this page. Please read this "Declaration" from time to time so that you are informed about how your personal data is managed.



For any question, comment and complaint regarding this "Statement", the management and protection of your personal data by us, but also any modification or exercise of any right by you. You can contact us at [email protected] or by phone at 2810282354.